asked by
Request for parameter values required for PCB fabrication
I am a master's student at Seoul National University

And I bought a Chip Antenna called SR4C033 from your company and I am going to make a PCB to mount the Chip Antenna.

Therefore, I am thinking of drawing the PCB through a program tool (eg CST) referring to the DataSheet provided by your company.

However, the DataSheet provided by your company is a bit unfriendly, so I would like to ask you a question about the values, which are very important parameters for drawing the PCB.

The first question is about the substrate. Can you tell me the values for the dielectric constant, loss tangent value, and thickness of the substrate?

Second, as a question about the thickness of the copper, can you tell me how thick the copper is?

Third, as a question about the width of the feeding line, can you tell me how thick the feeding line is?

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2 Answers

answered by
Dear customer -

Thanks for the enquiry.

We are looking into the questions, and sorting out what you were looking for.

We will come back later.

answered by

Hi Park,

Our EVK:

feed width=1.2mm

feed gap=0.5mm

feed height(core)=0.8mm

dielectric constant=4.2


However, we recommend using at least four layers and better dimensions to reduce noise from other components/systems on the board. That being the case, you can use our transmission trace calculator here: Antenna Trace Line Calculator | Antenova

Many Thanks


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Yu Kai Yeung

Antenna Engineer at Antenova Yu Kai is an antenna expert with over 10 years of experience in the design and testing of antennas. He has experience helping customers with certification testing, combined with his knowledge of RF measurement procedures.

Raymond Lee

Senior Antenna Engineer at Antenova Raymond has a wealth of experience in RF and antennas across many industry sectors. He has over 20 years of experience in electronics design and manufacturing.


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