I am having problems with an antenna (Lucida model) since It is installed inside a metallic enclosure, I have been reading the article (4 ways to increase wireless antena performance in metal devices) and i want to try 2 things:
-Open a window in the enclosure, but my question is, How big this should be and which shape should have? Is there theory about this?
-Another option is to place 2 antenas at the same time: one internal that will be placed in the same PCB (probably Lucida model) and another external that will be fixed to the same PCB by an SMA connector. I will do this bc I will just use the external antena in case the signal of the internal is not enough good. Will i have any problem of compatibility?
Thanks so much
I am having problems with an antenna (Lucida model) since It is installed inside a metallic enclosure, I have been reading the article (4 ways to increase wireless antena performance in metal devices) and i want to try 2 things:
-Open a window in the enclosure, but my question is, How big this should be and which shape should have? Is there theory about this?
-Another option is to place 2 antenas at the same time: one internal that will be placed in the same PCB (probably Lucida model) and another external that will be fixed to the same PCB by an SMA connector. I will do this bc I will just use the external antena in case the signal of the internal is not enough good. Will i have any problem of compatibility?
Thanks so much