asked by
Determination of L4 for the Inversa SR4L034
Dear all,

is there a tutorial available how the value of the tuning inductor L4 for the Inversa SR4L034 can be determined? Regarding the typical static impedance matching netwok I know the procedure by using a VNA but I am not familiar with the additional tuning. If you could give me a hint that would be helpful.

Best regards,


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1 Answer

answered by
Hi Peter,

Typically the value for L4 in most implementations doesn't deviate much from the EVK value. It can be considered a 'band select' component, i.e. it can increase or decrease bandwidth and shift resonance up and down. The value for L4 would only really change if for example you only wanted 698-2170MHz, say, that is significantly reducing the bandwidth of the antenna. We do offer a tuning service in our lab and we can produce a full passive performance report for you including matching component values.

Many Thanks

commented by
Hello Steve,

thank you for your fast response. I will carry out the impedance matching when we receive the prototype boards and then check the influence of L4. In case of problems I will come back to you.

Best regards,


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