asked by
USB dongle replacing trace antenna Is the fusca or weii antenna recommended?
I am updating the design of a USB dongle and looking for an antenna suggestion for a 40x15mm board to work with the nRF52 , we have enough room on the far end to fit the fusca or weii antenna. Positioning of the dongle would be in the side of a laptop or front of a PC communicating with a body worn device mounted on the head.

We are also looking for antenna suggestions for the head worn device, it needs to be resilent to detuning by the body and mid mount as there are connectors on three sides of the device.

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1 Answer

answered by
Hi Mark,

For the integration into the laptop I would recommend the Fusca as it works well on the corner of the PCB. Please keep in mind that the copper under the antenna should be clear through all of the layers of your PCB and all metal objects will need to be cleared away from the antenna for at least 15mm.

For the body worn device I would recommend the Comata since it is mounted on top of the ground plane and does not require the ground to be cleared underneath the antenna. It also operates better on the human body since it is an IFA structure.

Best regards,

Geoff S.
commented by

Do you recommend the Fusca for a USB dongle device that plugs into a laptop? Its only a 2-layer board 40x16mm
commented by
Hi Mark,

Yes, I would so long as there is no metal below the antenna.

Best regards,

Geoff S.

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