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How can I minimise return loss in my design?

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1 Answer

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To minimize reflected power, matching the feed-point impedance of the antenna is the key (I'm assuming the antenna is already designed/tuned for the desired frequency or frequencies).

It is important to design RF transmission lines on a circuit board for proper characteristic impedance, and it is wise to provide pads for matching elements on the board in case some further feed-point impedance matching is required - this is fairly common.  Are you familiar with how to deal with these RF engineering exercises?  What is your application?


Meet the moderators

Yu Kai Yeung

Antenna Engineer at Antenova Yu Kai is an antenna expert with over 10 years of experience in the design and testing of antennas. He has experience helping customers with certification testing, combined with his knowledge of RF measurement procedures.

Raymond Lee

Senior Antenna Engineer at Antenova Raymond has a wealth of experience in RF and antennas across many industry sectors. He has over 20 years of experience in electronics design and manufacturing.


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