asked by
What is the difference between the A5645 and A5645H?
I would like to understand the difference, so I can make sure we select the correct product our application.

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1 Answer

answered by
Hi Martin,

The A5645H is the latest version of the A5645 antenna. Some gigaNOVA antennas, including Mica, have been refreshed recently, so they're now using halogen-free materials. These have a lower environmental impact! There are no notable performance differences between the two, according to the data sheets.

We'd suggest using Mica A5645H for all new designs for the reasons outlined above.

Hopefully that answers your question.
commented by
edited by

Hi Matt,

on the datasheet of the A5645H I cant find any specifications regarding eg. gain. All this seems to be missing compared to the A5645. Can you please let me know if there is any difference in this regard? My other question is if the A5645H is suitable as a direct swap. Our PCB was designed for the A5645.

Can you also shed some light on if you’d expect it to affect the matching components significantly (is it a full drop-in replacement)?


commented by
It sounds like this is the case, but can you confirm that the A5645H is a drop in replacement for the A5645 and that no additional tuning or changes to the PCB electronic design would be necessary in migrating from the A5645 to the A5645H? We've got a design that has been working well with the A5645 and hoping this is just a BOM change only.

Thank you,
commented by
Hi Martin,

The gain is identical between the two version. There is also no difference in the matching component values and the "H" version is a direct drop in.

Best regards,

Geoff S.

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Antenna Engineer at Antenova Yu Kai is an antenna expert with over 10 years of experience in the design and testing of antennas. He has experience helping customers with certification testing, combined with his knowledge of RF measurement procedures.

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