I am a student developing a tracking/telemetry board for a club project. I am trying to use the M20048-1 RADIONOVA module with the internal antenna for a GPS fix. We produced a first rev of the board on which everything except the GPS was able to be debugged and fixed. In the course of testing we only obtained a fix once, even in ideal tests in large open fields. Admittedly, the first revision did not really respect the layout guidelines as it should have (old layout at end). Having done a bunch of research I should have the first time, I have completed a rev 2 layout, but I'd like a bit of extra confidence that the new layout will address most of the issues we had the first time. The current rev 2 layout is shown below (GPS at bottom). The board is two layers with a ground pour on the top and bottom layers (not shown for clarity). I have included the dimensions I thought might be important.
For comparison, the old design (GPS upper left). The line indicates the portion of board which was Dremeled away in an attempt to actually have it on the 'edge' of the board (the power trace was rerouted through a jumper). Even after that fix we were unable to obtain a fix: