I designed a PCB where I planned to use a SR4G013 antenna.
Initially I tried the antenna on a hand milled FR4 piece (2 layers) and had great results, but then I produced a series of PCB samples of the product (4 layers) and the results were completly off...
During the tests I tried to hand trim the width of the ground short and the return loss of the antenna improved.
Are there any guidelines on the size of the short?
The prototype PCB was a 4 layer [TOP(signal + GND pour) / IN1(GND) / IN2(Signal + Power + GND pur) / BOTTOM (Signal + GND pour)]
The distance between TOP and IN1 layers is 0.18mm
The width of the FEED trace is 0.2mm (I will increase to 0.3mm in the next revision)
The distance between signal (feed) and ground pour on the TOP layer is 0.2mm
The width of the SHORT between the FEED pad of the antenna and GND was 0.5mm (no good result)
Thank you very much