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Zenon 2.4 GHz antenna in recessed metal pocket
I'm looking at using the Zenon 2.4 GHz antenna for a project where vertical height is restricted. To fit the Zenon antenna, we would have to recess the antenna into a shallow metal pocket so that the top of the antenna is flush with the surrounding metal. We would only have 3mm of clearance between the sides of the antenna package and the metal walls. This violates the recommended 5° keep out area listed in the data sheet so I wanted to know if there was any information on how this would impact the antenna. If it would just result in a slight detuning and loss of efficiency, that would be fine. But if it would bring it out of band completely or drop gain by 10 dB or more, we might have to look at other solutions. Thanks!

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1 Answer

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Hi Cwawald18,

Would you have a STEP file that I could check so I can check the antenna surroundings? It will help me understand the design better.

Best regards,

Yu Kai Yeung

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Yu Kai Yeung

Antenna Engineer at Antenova Yu Kai is an antenna expert with over 10 years of experience in the design and testing of antennas. He has experience helping customers with certification testing, combined with his knowledge of RF measurement procedures.

Raymond Lee

Senior Antenna Engineer at Antenova Raymond has a wealth of experience in RF and antennas across many industry sectors. He has over 20 years of experience in electronics design and manufacturing.


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