The antenna selector suggested using an A10192H based on my board shape and antenna location.
1) This is a 3 pin antenna from all the pictures, but the datasheet says "9. Schematic symbol and Pin definition The circuit symbol for the antenna is shown below. The antenna has 5 pins with only two as functional. All other pins are for mechanical strength." I'm going to assume this is just a copy paste error.
2) Section 9 table shows pins 1,2 as Feed pins and pin 3 as a mechanical NC pin. However sections 11.2 and 14 show schematics where pin 2 is a NC pin not a feed pin. Which is correct? Is pin 1 the ONLY Feed pin?
3) The Bottom side drawing does NOT show which pads are which pin #. Is the single pad on the left pin 3? Is the pad above the single pad pin 1 or pin 2?
4) Section 12.1 states "Where possible the antenna should be clear of ground from both sides," I assume that means left and right of the antenna. Question: How about the layers UNDER the antenna? Should all ground be removed?
I think a layout file of the A10192H Evaluation Board would probably answer most of my questions. Is is possible to provide a layout?
Thank You