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M10478-A3 explain FIX pin 18 ... can we scope it? dvm?
we use M10478-A3  ... many of our units don't get a fix ... can we use Pin 18 (FIX) somehow to know the fix is complete?

we are a production shop, so, we have several units sitting powered for 20 minutes ... then, they move to a test station, but, many/most have to go back for a another 20 minutes

we need some way of knowing the fix worked at that 'sitting station'

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1 Answer

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Best answer

The M10478-A3 is now EOL. As such the Firmware with this older version had did not have the fix pin set to output. To know if the module is fixed you could use the NMEA output sentence GGA to note a location and fix data.

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