asked by
Do the SRFI028 datasheet Maximum VSWR 6. table and 7.2 graph match?
The SRFI028 datasheet graph 7.2 does not appear to support the table 6.0 number of 1.6 VSWR.

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1 Answer

answered by
Hi Brad,

The reason for the discrepancy is because the VSWR graph shows the best-case free space VSWR and the table shows expected VSWR.

If the antenna is placed on a thin sheet of plastic with the cable straight with no bends you should be able to achieve the VSWR in the graph. That is the ideal placement for the antenna.
When the antenna is mounted to a thick plastic housing surrounded on all sides and next to a solid copper PCB, battery or LCD the VSWR of the antenna will degrade.

We offer services to analyze your implementation of our antenna in your device. if you would like to take advantage of this please contact our sale support email at

Best regards,

Geoff S.

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Yu Kai Yeung

Antenna Engineer at Antenova Yu Kai is an antenna expert with over 10 years of experience in the design and testing of antennas. He has experience helping customers with certification testing, combined with his knowledge of RF measurement procedures.

Raymond Lee

Senior Antenna Engineer at Antenova Raymond has a wealth of experience in RF and antennas across many industry sectors. He has over 20 years of experience in electronics design and manufacturing.


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